Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Uhhh, I have to pay for that?

Here it is folks, a huge surprise....I have lived a pretty sheltered life. 
Whew, it feels good to get that off my chest.
But seriously. 

Here is today's dialogue between my roommate (aka my mother) and myself:

Roommate: "Oooh, you got some mail! Oh this is great that you got this!"

Me: {Thinking to myself what wedding/shindig/engagement party/baby shower do I have coming up?} "What is it?"

Roommate: {Ripping open my mail with a mischievous grin.} 
"It's your license plate payment!"

Me: "Uhhh, I have to pay for that?"

Roommate: "$81.00 to be exact."
I have come to realize that while I have recently taken over any and all payments that have anything to with me (excluding rent, bills, groceries - the joys of living at home, thanks mom & dad!) every time I start to feel a sense of self-pride that I'm on a great track, something new comes out of thin air. Who knew you get a bill in the mail for your license plate?!...Not me!...And $81.00?! ARE. YOU. KIDDING.

I took this sweet little surprise as today's reminder that just when I start to think I've got things pretty figured out, I get a random notice in the mail that tells me that I don't.

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